ECOSAFE™ Secondary Cleaner

Designed for heavy-duty applications, the innovative ECOSAFE™ Secondary Cleaner features a unique split track blade cartridge design that both significantly reduces urethane waste, simplifies blade replacement, and improves safety. 

The interface between the blade and the cartridge has been completely redesigned to require 36% less urethane in the base of the blade, resulting in lighter, easier to handle blades and 56% less discarded urethane from a used blade. Blade changes require no tools, and the cartridge slides out from the mainframe to allow maintenance to be performed outside of the chute, reducing downtime and improving safety. 

Available with either air or spring tensioners and suitable for use on reversing belts and operating temperatures up to 300°F (150°C).

Product Specifications

Belt Width 24 inches (610 mm) and up
Belt Speed Up to 1200 fpm (6 m/s)
Maximum Operating Tempterature 300°F (150°C)
Accommodates Reversing Belts? YES


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